RabbitMQ delayed-messaging without a plugin (implement in python)

We usually use RabbitMQ Delayed Message Plugin to add delayed-messaging (or scheduled-messaging) to RabbitMQ.

The problem is that, sometimes we cannot use a plugin. For example, some RabbitMQ services hosted on the cloud (SaaS RabbitMQ) do not support additional plugins.

In this article, I will show you how to implement a native exchange that supports delayed-messaging. The example code is written in python.

General idea

The traditional message flow with the help of RabbitMQ Delayed Message Plugin


Note that x-delayed-message is a third-party exchange type introduced by RabbitMQ Delayed Message Plugin.

[message with x-delay header]

↓ publish to

[delay-exchange of type x-delayed-message]

↓ delay according to message's x-delay header

delay for x-delay milliseconds

↓ route to

[queues bound to delay-exchange]

With the plugin, the exchange of type x-delayed-message can both delay messages and route messages.

The new message flow without a plugin


Without the plugin, we cannot delay messages and route messages with only one exchange. We have to use two exchanges.

  • The first one is a delay-exchange that delays messages.
  • The sencond one is a normal exchange that routes messages.
[message with new-delay header]  Note: use new-delay rather than the plugin's x-delay

↓ publish to

[native delay-exchange of type headers]

↓ route according to message's new-delay header

[delay-queues bound to delay-exchange] Note: one queue corresponds to one new-delay

↓ delay

delay for new-delay milliseconds

↓ route to

[normal exchange]

↓ route to

[queues bound to the normal exchange]

Notice [delay-queues bound to delay-exchange], these queues are the key to implementing delaying. We set two special arguments on these queues:

  • x-message-ttl : milliseconds of messages' living time. For example, if x-message-ttl equals to 5000, then a message in this queue will be dead after 5000ms since the time it is pushed to this queue.
  • x-dead-letter-exchange : When a message is dead, they are routed to the exchange specified by x-dead-letter-exchange.

Example code

Before we write the code, install related python library:

pip install pika

Here's the code to implement delayed-messaging without a plugin:

import time
import pika

connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost'))
channel = connection.channel()

# declare normal queue and exchange
test_queue = 'test-queue'
normal_exchange = 'normal-exchange'
channel.queue_bind(queue=test_queue, exchange=normal_exchange, routing_key=test_queue)

# exchange for delaying messages
delay_exchange = 'delay-exchange'
channel.exchange_declare(exchange=delay_exchange, exchange_type='headers')

# generate queues for delaying messages. one queue for one delaying time.
def declare_delay_queue(milliseconds):
    delay_queue = 'delay-queue-%s' % milliseconds
    # messages in delay_queue will live for x-message-ttl ms and then routed to x-dead-letter-exchange
    channel.queue_declare(delay_queue, arguments={
        'x-dead-letter-exchange': normal_exchange,
        'x-message-ttl': milliseconds
    # messages sent to delay_exchange will be routed to the target delay_queue according to new-delay header
    channel.queue_bind(queue=delay_queue, exchange=delay_exchange, arguments={'new-delay': milliseconds})

# messages in this queue will be delayed for 3000 ms (3 seconds)
# messages in this queue will be delayed for 5000 ms (5 seconds)

# publish a normal message with no delay
    exchange=normal_exchange, routing_key=test_queue, body='msg-no-delay'

# publish a message that delays for 3000 ms
    exchange=delay_exchange, routing_key=test_queue, body='msg-delay-3s',
    properties=pika.BasicProperties(headers={'new-delay': 3000})

# publish a message that delays for 5000 ms
    exchange=delay_exchange, routing_key=test_queue, body='msg-delay-5s',
    properties=pika.BasicProperties(headers={'new-delay': 5000})

start_time = int(time.time())
# when a message is received, print the elapsed seconds and message body
def msg_callback(channel, method, properties, body):
    elapsed_seconds = int(time.time()) - start_time
    print(elapsed_seconds, body)

channel.basic_consume(queue=test_queue, on_message_callback=msg_callback)

Execute the code above, and we'll get the printed output:

0 b'msg-no-delay'
3 b'msg-delay-3s'
5 b'msg-delay-5s'

The code works fine, as messages are printed after expected seconds.

Posted on 2022-06-15